Ground and Track Berm Guards


Tire mats and ground tarps protect the berm from puncture and wear from objects lodged in tires or on the ground, respectively.

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  • Available in heavy-duty coated polyester or for infrequent use, in economical and lightweight coated vinyl.
  • Non-absorbent material won’t get soggy.
  • Use with all drive-through berms.
  • Description- 0.065 in. thick
     - Tire mats 3ft. wide
     - Ground mats 6 ft. wide
     - Puncture resistance of at least 85 lbf, IAW ASTM D751

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Ground mats – Create a smooth, uniform deployment area with this heavy-duty woven fabric. Place under berm for improved wear resistance.

Track mats – Protection inside the berm for extra protection along tire paths. Thick, durable black woven fabric protects floors and walls from abrasion caused by skidding, turning, and braking.

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